Saturday, October 6, 2007


It is the writer's purpose, through these studies, to glorify the great 3 in 1; the Mighty God Who may be known through his Son "even Jesus". It is this God Who is worthy of all our love, adoration and strength. It is to His eternal glory that these writings are prepared.
The writer is also interested in edifying his fellow followers. We are exhorted to "consider one another to provoke unto love and good works." It is to this end that these writings are prepared.
Another concern to the writer is the correctness of spiritual thought and knowledge owned by his readers. It is eternally important that believers have a correct and proper understanding of holy writ. It is to this end that these writings are prepared.
Another hope that the writer entertains is the opportunity to assist others in their spiritual growth. He would encourage you to forward questions of a spiritual nature to him. He seeks to help you as individuals in your development as mature believers. Does he have all the answers? No.
However, he does know where and from Whom to seek the answers (Thou knowest all things, Lord).
This writer also understands that it is difficult to bring questions to pastors at times. If this is a difficulty you face or may face in the future, the writer desires to assist you if or when your pastor cannot.
This writer does not seek to enter into debate with his readers. He has learned that an atmosphere of debate will not "win people" to anything. Paul warned his Corinthian readers that "knowledge puffeth up" and it is this puffing up that breeds debate. To "contend" does not mean to debate. Many debators are concerned with winning the debate rather than winning others to the truth. Winning debates is not a purpose of the sanctuary.
The writer prays that God will be pleased to condescend and bless this ministry and those who read it and pray for its contents.

Buried in Christ,
St. Loder

1 comment:

Scribe said...

Ah, you've finally succumbed to the "spirit of the age"..j/k. I'm glad to see you finally posting devotionals via Blogger. I gave your site a quick plug for traffic...may the Lord continue to work His glorious work through thee.
